All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 35 of 35 in total

Cali to Michigan

Ben Hinrichs describes his drive from California to Michigan

Charger Rundown: Alli Wiese, Josie Teslaa and Coach Tharp

Evan Mick breaks down what happened in Charger Sports last week and reviews the schedule for this upcoming week.  Hana Connelly interviews volleyball players Alli Wies...

Mike Herzog: Student-Athlete-Golfer

Mike Herzog talks about how he makes his life as a football player and his life as a golfer coexist.

Charger Rundown: Garrit Aissen

Chargers star quarterback, Garrit Aissen, talks about his new roles as a leader, his goals for this season, and how his faith plays a part in all that.

Charger Rundown Teaser

Hana Connelly and Evan Mick announce the return of the Charger Rundown for the 2023-2024 school year.  They also review Hillsdale College athletic honors from 2022-202...

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